What we did and when we did it. Sometimes.

What we did and when we did it. Sometimes. People, places and events to remember.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

14 Years. Wow.

Fourteen years ago today, this happened:

The most important piece of paper I ever signed.  


Emmett and I have journeyed together from the north side of Chicago to the west side, from an apartment to an old house to a new house, from Chicago to far south Texas, with brief and precious stops in Hawaii and Mississippi.  We've welcomed a sweet dog and three beautiful children into our family. 

There have been churches and job changes and grad school and family troubles and grief and delight and major life stuff -- so much in the last fourteen years -- that a list wouldn't do them justice.

I'm not the same girl I was when we signed that paper.  And he's not the same guy.  We love each other better now.  God has carried us through a lot.

He's the best partner I could ever have.  I am beyond glad that we are on the same team.

Happy Anniversary, Emmett!  I love you.

1 comment:

  1. I love love love your wedding photo, congratulations on 14 years!
